Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in our ministries. St. Helena Parish is always looking for people who can share their time and talent to serve our fellow parishioners. Opportunities include (but are not limited to) the following ministries. If you are unsure of which particular ministry you would like to help with or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.
- The Lector proclaims the first and second readings from Sacred Scripture. They may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and recite the Psalm.
Greeters and Ushers are the first people that our visitors and parishioners meet at Sunday Mass. They welcome and assist the people to their seat, when needed.
- Youth Altar servers are appointed by the pastor to serve at the altar and assist the Priest and the Deacon; they carry the cross, the candles, the thurible, the bread, the wine, and the water. Children who have already received their First Holy Communion are eligible to become altar servers.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon in distributing Holy Communion. They receive adequate spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill the requirements of this ministry.
- The cantor directs the people and choir in sung responses and other hymns during the Liturgy.
- The choir, together with the cantor leads the people in singing and chanting during the Sunday Mass and special liturgies.
- The Guitar group assists at the 11:15 AM Mass and sings twice a month.
- Musicians accompany the cantor and choir to help enhance the liturgy with their musical talent.
- Catechists teach St. Helena’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) classes. Catechists are faithful Catholics who teach students from grades 1-8, using a curriculum approved by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. No teaching experience or Theology degree required; just a passion about your faith and a burning desire to share your love of God to others.
- Members of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Team are good practicing Catholics who serve as sponsors and/or support to catechumens who are preparing for their baptism at the Easter Vigil.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are unable to come to Mass due to illness or old-age.
- St. Helena Parish partnered with Caring for Friends to fight hunger in the elders and homebound in the community. Volunteer cooks prepare and freeze home-cooked meals, and then deliver them to St. Helena. Food preparation packets including empty aluminum trays and instructions are provided to home cooks. Volunteers are also needed to re-heat frozen meals and deliver them to clients. Please speak to Sr. Sophie after Mass, to pickup supplies or how you can become a volunteer visitor.
- The Food Bank distributes food to our parishioners and neighbors who are experiencing hunger or food insecurity. Volunteers are needed to help in organizing shelves. Donations of canned goods, self-stable food items as well as freezer-friendly produce are accepted. Please contact the food bank for more information.
- The Parish Pastoral Council promotes full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church and advises the Pastor in pastoral matters. The council meets every other 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Rectory.
- The Parish Finance Committee assists and advises the pastor in managing financial matters of the parish. The committee meets on alternating 2nd Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Rectory.
Make a Donation
St. Helena Church has partnered with Parish Giving to provide its members with the opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative to weekly envelopes.
Parish Giving is offered free of charge. At the same time, St. Helena Church will benefit from a reliable, more efficient, and more convenient means to process contributions that make it possible to support our mission.
It’s Simple:
- Just click on the Parish Giving Logo within this website and follow the easy registration instructions.
It’s Secure:
- Parish Giving is PCI compliant and uses the strongest SSL encryption technology available.
It’s Convenient:
- No more searching for the check book on Sunday morning stops at the ATM machine.
- You can pick the day of the month for the recurring contributions to be processed.
Tax Benefits:
- You will be able to print out a report detailing your contributions for the year.
Parishioner Benefits:
- Weekly or monthly contribution choices
- Ability to choose date and frequency of contributions
Visit St. Helena’s Parish Giving Page
Click on 1 – Sign Up or Create New Account.
Fill out the form with your information. Then click SAVE.
Enter your username and password in the 4 – Returning User Login box then Click on 2 – Login.
Click 3 – Pay Now.
Choose payment type and enter your payment information (A). Enter your contact information (B). Then click NEXT (C).