Father Matthew Biedrzycki: 2025 CPI Preaching Fellow

Congratulations to Father Matthew Biedrzycki – who has been selected a 2025 “Preaching Fellow” in the Catholic Preaching Institute!

Father Biedrzycki is one of just twelve priests in the archdiocese selected to participate in CPI’s “Disciples of the Word” program. 

Throughout the year, Father will meet regularly with a cohort of clergy mentors and lay advisors to learn the art and skills of compelling preaching – which will no doubt benefit all who worship at St. Helena.

You can help!  

Besides supporting Father with your prayers and encouragement, you can assist CPI with demonstrating Father’s growth and development in the program.

We invite you to complete an online survey that assesses your experience of Father’s preaching as he begins the program. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete. 

Just follow this link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8TN3NBY  or use the QR code to connect to the survey designed specifically for Father Biedrzycki. 

The survey will open on January 25 and will remain open until February 7.  

Please take this opportunity to help Father Biedrzycki, who so desires to be more helpful to you as a preacher of God’s Word.